OurContribution to HER
Education will impact her
contribution to humanity.
Diaspora Global Education Foundation
We are a 501(C) (3) non-profit organization focused on changing the educational landscape of our children . We believe raising the bar on our children's educational experience is not an option. It is our responsibility. Committing to that responsibility is the purpose of Diaspora Global Foundation, and our "LEAN into STEM", (LIS) educational initiatives.
STEM Camps, LEGO Robotics Camps, STEM Club, Art, Animation, STEM STEM DAY Events and more.

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Hats off to HERO Restaurant, at Trilith, for hosting two summer "Kick Off" - week long "LEGO Nightz" events. We had fun, great food and excellent service. kids and parents had an awesome time, making new friends, painting and listening to great speakers, while the kids learn to build and program LEGO Robots.

LEGO Nightz - Family, collaborative learning, and community.

Children have different learning styles, interest, pace and capacity. We created a fun environment for hands-on independent STEM learning. We celebrate their creativity.

We encourage, practiced, and supported collaboration and innovation

The Virtual Reality (VR) Experience. Very Cool!

We engaged with community leaders. #DanCathy, owner, #ChickFila speaking
with mom Rachel Bruckwiki at #LEGO Nights.
A Tree Is Bent While It Is Still Wet
“From the Southern Bantu language isiZulu comes a saying “Umuthi ugotshwa usemanzi” which translates to “a tree is bent while it is still wet”. The meaning of this proverb is that wisdom and behavioural influences are instilled when a person is still young.
If we intend to create thought leaders, action-takers, and change-makers, we need to make sure that we teach our children and the next generation the significance of what it means to have the future in their hands while they are still young, to empower them to become the next generation of world leaders.”
Thank you, Counterpane Montessori School, Fayetteville, GA, for hosting our "LEGO Robotics STEM Camps". We appreciate your support and leadership in STEM Education and innovative learning. Your school grounds have beautiful animals, nature setting, which added to the fun and excitement that our children experienced during camp week.
With parents and other family members watching the final day excitement was amazing. All the kids rose
to the occasion and did a wonderful job. Lots was learned and experienced. Congrats and hats off to all!.
Thank you, Manny Wignall, for being a great LEGO Robotics Instructor. Shout out to "Your Pie Pizza", Fayetteville, GA, for supporting STEM Education and making our final day of camp complete with a delicious Pizza lunch.